The role of screw air compressor gas circuit
- The air intake filter is used to filter the dust particles in the inhaled gas, thereby filtering the air entering the host.
- The airflow through the intake valve into the host can be controlled and thus the size of the subject displacement compressor.
- The oil and gas barrel is mainly used to separate the compressed air and the oil in the air to make the compressed air cleaner.
- The cooler is used to cool the high temperature gas discharged from the steel cylinder at all stages.
- The gas storage tank uses gas to store compressed air, filters the liquid and trace oil in the gas, and installs an automatic sewage valve at the bottom of the gas storage tank to discharge the liquid and oil from the gas storage tank. When the gas system is overhauled, it is mainly to check whether all joints are loose, whether there are leaks and blockages. At each check valve, freely check whether the switch is open, leaking, etc. In addition, it is important to check that the safety valve installed in each pipeline has not expired, and the use of more than the safety valve cycle review.
Sollant Group-Professional Compressed Gas Solutions Provider